If you or the person you are helping is in immediate danger please contact the police dialling 999

Unsolicited Contact of an Adult Nature

  1. Harms
  2. Other Harmful Content
  3. Unsolicited Contact of an Adult Nature

Receiving explicit imagery or unwanted sexual advances from a stranger online can be traumatizing and embarrassing in equal measures.

If you receive unwanted sexual advances (either text or image based) remove yourself from the conversation and, if it continues, block and report. If you feel at risk of harm don't hesitate to contact the police.

Reporting Unsolicited Contact of an Adult Nature

Find out how to report unsolicited content of an adult nature to commonly used social networking sites below:

  1. Hi there

  2. I'm a chatbot here to support you in finding information and reporting content at a time that works for you

  3. If you want me to help you with your issue, just click below