If you or the person you are helping is in immediate danger please contact the police dialling 999
ACT: Action Counters Terrorism

We are unable to take reports about terrorism related content. If you've seen something online that supports, directs or glorifies terrorism, report it to Action Counters Terrorism.

Report Terrorist Content

We are unable to take reports of sexual images of under 18s. You can report sexual images of under 18s online directly to the Internet Watch Foundation.

Report Child Sexual Abuse Imagery

Internet Watch Foundation

Intimate Image Abuse

(Also known as 'Revenge Porn')

  1. Harms
  2. Intimate Image Abuse

What is intimate image abuse?

Intimate image abuserefers to the non-consensual sharing of intimate images and videos. This is sometimes referred to as 'revenge porn' or 'image-based abuse'. This content can be shared in a multitude of ways including, in-person, through texts, emails and messages, on social media platforms, porn sites and in group chats. This crime can be committed by anyone and anyone can be affected. If you have been affected, please remember this isn’t your fault and you haven’t done anything wrong. 

What can I do if my intimate images are shared online?

If this has happened to you, and you are over the age of 18 talking to an organisation such as the Revenge Porn Helpline can help to provide you with more advice and support. The Revenge Porn Helpline is available in the UK, and is openMonday to Friday 10am - 4pm by calling 0345 6000 459 or emailing help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk

What is StopNCII.org?

StopNCII.org (Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse) is a free global tool to protect intimate images from being shared online by perpetrators of intimate image abuse. 

StopNCII.org creates a digital fingerprint, known as a hash, of your intimate image so it can be blocked from sharing on participating platforms. Intimate images are never transferred to nor saved on the StopNCII.org website, instead, the image never leaves the user's device.

You can find more information on Intimae Image Abuse, and The Revenge Porn Helpline below. 

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