I live outside the UK, where can I find support?
Report Harmful Content is dedicated to supporting residents of the UK. Our funding enables us to provide a comprehensive level of support to UK residents, which we are currently unable to extend to those living outside the UK.
However, if you reside outside the UK, there are still resources available to help you if you experience or witness harm online. Click on the boxes further down to access a list of organisations that may offer support in your region.
Emotional support
For emotional support in your country, visit Befrienders Worldwide. By clicking on the link below, you can find a suitable service near you. Their global centres are dedicated to alleviating misery, loneliness, despair, and depression by offering a compassionate ear to anyone in need.
Befrienders Worldwide
Intimate image abuse
If you have been a victim of intimate image abuse, and you don't reside in the UK, please find a list of victim support services globally on our sister helpline, the Revenge Porn Helpline.
The Revenge Porn Helpline
StopNCII.org is a free tool designed to support adults (18+) affected by Non-Consensual Intimate Image (NCII) abuse. The tool works by generating a hash from your intimate image(s)/video(s). StopNCII.org then shares this hash with participating companies so they can help detect and remove the images from being shared across their online platforms.
Child sexual abuse material
The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) works internationally to make the Internet a safer place for everyone. They help victims of child sexual abuse worldwide by identifying and removing images and videos of their abuse. If you do not reside in the UK but have experienced or witnessed child sexual abuse material online, please report this via their online reporting portal.
Internet Watch Foundation - Reporting Portal
Insafe and INHOPE Safer Internet Centres work together through a network of Safer Internet Centres (SICs) across Europe.
Safer Internet Centres across Europe provide:
- helplines for support with online issues
- hotlines for the reporting of child sexual abuse imagery
- awareness centres raising awareness and understanding or online safety issues
Find a Safer Internet Centre in your country here.
Childline South Africa: Providing emotional support for children in South Africa - https://www.childlinesa.org.za/
Terre Des Hommes: Promoting and upholding child rights - https://www.terredeshommes.nl/en/
The Circle: Working to prevent violence against women and girls -https://thecircle.ngo/
People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA): Emotional and legal support for female victims of violence - https://www.powa.co.za/POWA
Tears: Crisis intervention and prevention for anyone impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault and child sexual abuse - https://www.tears.co.za/
Childline India: Emotional support for children -https://www.childlineindia.org/
The Asia Foundation: Improving lives across Asia - https://asiafoundation.org/
Child Rights Coalition Asia: Promoting and upholding child rights - https://www.crcasia.org/
Terre Des Hommes: Promoting and upholding child rights - https://www.terredeshommes.nl/en/
Thai Hotline: Reporting of illegal and harmful content online -https://thaihotline.org/en/report/
Internet Hotline Centre Japan: Reporting illegal and harmful content online in Japan -https://www.internethotline.jp/
Safe Kaznet: Reporting illegal content online in Kazakhstan - http://www.safekaznet.kz/en
ITU Ethics Helpline: Reporting ethical concerns online including misconduct, fraud, corruption, harassment in Arab States -https://www.itu.int/en/ethics/Pages/helpline.aspx
Block: Cyber security protection for citizens in Israel - https://block.org.il/
Netica: Help centre offering 24/7 support on online safety issues to citizens of Israel -https://en.isoc.org.il/netica
SafeSurf: Providing online safety education in Bahrain - https://safesurf.bh/
House of Hope: Support for victims of sexual abuse and exploitation and advocates for the rights of women and children in Lebanon -http://dar-alamal.org/
Salamatech: Building digital resilience in Syria by helping Syrians devastated by conflict communicate safely and effectively - https://en.salamatech.org/
eSafe: Raising awareness of online risks and protecting children online in the UAE -https://www.esafesociety.org/
Illegal and Harmful Information Report Centre: Reporting of illegal and harmful content online in South Korea - https://www.kocsc.or.kr/mainPage.do#
Defensa de Ninasy Ninos (DNI): Protecting children from sexual violence in Costa Rica -https://dnicostarica.org/
Cyber Tipline: Reporting child exploitation online in the USA -https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline
Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI): Providing emotional support, technical advice and information for victims of online abuse in the USA - https://www.cybercivilrights.org/
Netsmartz: Online safety education for young people in the USA -https://www.missingkids.org/netsmartz
Kidsmartz: Online safety education for families in the USA - https://www.missingkids.org/education/kidsmartz
Common Sense Media: Information for parents and reviews of games, apps and films commonly used/ viewed by children internationally - https://www.commonsensemedia.org/homepage
ConnectSafely: Organisation dedicated to educating parents and children on how to stay safer online in the USA - https://www.connectsafely.org
Thorn for Parents: Supporting parents to help their children navigate relationships online safely in the USA -https://parents.thorn.org/
Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI): Online safety education for families and educators in the USA - https://www.fosi.org/good-digital-parenting
Cyber Wise: Online safety education for all in the USA -https://www.cyberwise.org/
Net Family News: Latest global online safety news relating to child safety online - https://www.netfamilynews.org/
CyberTip: Canada’s national hotline for reporting child sexual exploitation online -https://www.cybertip.ca/app/en/report
Media Smarts: Canada’s centre for digital and media literacy -https://mediasmarts.ca/
Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA): Addressing online hate speech in Canada -https://ywcacanada.ca/what-we-do/projects-initiatives/block-hate-building-resilience-against-online-hate-speech/
E.R.A.S.E. Bullying: Crisis support for children and people experiencing or witnessing bullying online or offline - https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/erase/help
Cyber Safe Care: Provides information about how to stay safe online in Canada- https://www.cybersafecarepei.ca/
Help my Child: Support for parents whose children are being bullied online in Canada - https://helpmychild.ca/
Teprotejo: Reporting child sexual abuse imagery in Columbia and Mexico - https://www.teprotejo.org/
Proteccion Online: Online safety education for all in South America -https://www.protecciononline.com/
Seguras en Internet: Reporting of illegal and harmful content online in Peru -http://www.seguroseninternet.org/en/reports.html
SaferNet: Supporting victims of online violence in Brazil -https://www.helpline.org.br/helpline
Teprotejo: Reporting child sexual abuse imagery in Columbia and Mexico- https://www.teprotejo.org/
eSafety Commissioner Australia: Reporting of illegal and harmful content including intimate image abuse in Australia - https://www.esafety.gov.au/report
Netsafe: Reporting of illegal and harmful content including intimate image abuse in New Zealand-https://report.netsafe.org.nz/hc/en-au/requests/new
FWCC: Support for women and children in Fiji who are sufferers and survivors of violence committed against them by men -https://www.fijiwomen.com/