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Intimate Image Abuse

(Also known as Revenge Porn)

  1. Harms
  2. Other Harmful Content
  3. Intimate Image Abuse

Intimate Image Abuse, otherwise known as Revenge Porn, is against the law in the UK. It involves intimate content being shared without an individual’s consent in order to cause them distress. The law defines 'intimate' as being completely nude or overtly sexual, and not something ordinarily seen in public. Victims are often targeted maliciously and content can be linked to their social media accounts or personal identification, and sometimes sent to people they know, such as family or work colleagues. Victims are both male or female, aged 18 or up. Victims DO NOT need to have been in a relationship with the perpetrator for it to be ‘revenge porn’, and often victims don't even know images or videos were taken to begin with. 

If this has happened to you, talking to an organisation such as the Revenge Porn Helpline can help to provide you with more advice and support. Phone Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm on 0345 6000 459 or email help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk

Reporting Intimate Image Abuse

Find out how to report intimate image abuse to commonly used social networking sites below:

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